Music, music. Hi guys, it's Jane, Anima Paula, and welcome back to my YouTube channel. If you're a returning subscriber, you might notice that my background is different. That's because I'm currently in Dallas. Right now, in today's video, I'm going to be showing you guys how to pack in a carry-on suitcase for a long trip. So, as you're watching this video, I would currently be in Europe, and I had to pack in a carry-on suitcase. The number one reason why I did that was because I have had so much bad luck with traveling. I have lost my suitcase so many times, and I cannot fathom the thought of losing my suitcase while traveling internationally. So, a carry-on suitcase is the smartest, safest way to go. The number two reason is that I'm currently traveling in Europe in a van with my sister and brother-in-law. You will catch this on my blog channel, Journey TV. A link is down below. The van is so small that my sister was like, "You need to pack light." For those two reasons, I will be showing you guys how to pack a carry-on suitcase for a long trip. I will be in Europe for about 12 days, and I'll show you guys everything I pack: my backpack, all my tips and tricks on how to do it. If you guys want more travel tips, life hacks, and how I pack everything that I use, I have two other really good travel videos that you guys can refer to as well. That'll be linked down below for you guys. Okay, so let's get right into this video, and I hope you guys like it. Starting off traveling, I always bring one carry-on suitcase with me and a backpack. This is my North Face backpack,...
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How to pack a carry on bag for 2 weeks Form: What You Should Know
If you want three shirts but only 2 pairs of socks, pack two shirts and one pair of socks. If your destination requires you to change shirts daily, you should use a single shirt for each shirt-changing day. (You’ll need to keep your pants and underwear folded into a single pair of underwear for each day of the trip.) You’ll want at least 3 pairs of underwear and a pair of shoes’3. If you have the luxury of staying in a dorm-style bed with a private bathroom, you’ll want at least 6 pairs of underwear and a pair of socks.‏[5] If you plan to stay in hotels, double up on a pair of pairs of shorts, underwear, socks and shoes. (A hotel stay is much cheaper than sleeping on the road.)‏[9] If not a hotel, a good pair of shoes can go a long way; but if you have to rely on a local store to buy you shoes, stick with a more affordable brand. Remember to pick new shoes for each trip so that you stay fresh and looking your best.‏[14] ‏[9] 2. If you’re flying, try to pack light. You’ll want a backpack, a tuck-away laptop bag, and an air mattress or two if possible. Otherwise, pack light.‏[11]‏[11]‏[11]3. Make the process of planning your wardrobe as easy and fluid as possible by using 3 to 4 items of clothing per day. When you see or wear your first, you should try to keep going.‏[7]‏[9]‏[9]‏[9] How To Pack in a Carry-on for Two Weeks: Tips Plan to pack three pairs of shoes, one pair of shirts and one pair of shorts.‏[15]‏[8]‏[13]‏[13]‏[13]Make sure to pack a tuck-away laptop bag.‏[17]‏[19]‏[15]‏[16]‏[4]If a hotel does not have a laundromat (to dry your clothes) and does not stock you with underwear, a tuck-away bag gives you access to all your toiletries as well as your underwear if you’re going to be washing that a lot.
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